Press releases
Press releases
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press release
published on
15.September 2011
Saboom NEW – online now!
The launch of Saboom was a great revolution on the erotic video market. Now we incredibly topped this. Your feedback was the basis of all the new cool features. We formed a new improved way of how you can experience the Saboom feeling.
The centerpiece of Saboom NEW is the further developed Saboom player. One of the new features is the Porn Producer, which enables you to create your own porn and enjoy it undisturbed. With the Interactive Button you are able to select a new scene at any time and continue the show at this point.
With 1-click POV you get the chance to switch to the POV mode while watching a scene. A real treat for fans of this perspective!
The website convinces with a clean and simple design and the navigation has been simplified. The central focus lies on the content which has also improved. With a lot of new shows the user gets more choice than ever before.
At the same time it’s now possible to promote Saboom internationally. The Saboom feeling conquers the world!
Your Saboom-Team
See more details about your new features:
Promote Saboom:
published on
22.July 2011
„“ invites to a job interview at a strip club
The mission of „ – interactive porn“ was always to offer a great variety of shows and contents. With the new show „Hot Curves“ Saboom keeps this promises in several ways.

Nowadays adult entertainment has to be exciting and has to offer a great range of options, especially if it´s an interactive project like Saboom. With the new show „Hot Curves“ satisfies this expectations. A lot of different girls, a selectable entertaining story and most of all excellent hardcore scenes. The focus on this production was not only to show various types of women, but bringing the preferences for breasts and behinds to the fore – combined in an interactive plot.
Special Features
With this new high-quality show the users have the chance to choose between a hardcore- and a story-mode to enjoy exactly the things they are longing for. At the end of the show they also can decide at each girl if she satisfied all expectations during the job interview and if she gets the job as a dancer or not.
As the name „Hot Curves“ already reveals the show is about hot female bodies or more precisely the hot curves of nine girls. These are showing up to a casting in Mike´s strip club, where they have to fulfil some special tasks to get the job as a dancer. The girls are really giving their all! Male fantasies come true when milk runs down Tara White´s body, Shione Cooper oils her xl-boobs and Stacy Silver as the helpful assistant lends the applicants a hand.
Starring also: Roxy Taggart, Nicky Angel, Mona Lee, Carla Cox, Lucy Bell, Audrey Argento, Holly Carter, Spike (alias Pigdog) und Steve Q.
published on
27.May 2011 offers sex education
True to the motto: „Everything you always wanted to know about sex, but were afraid to ask“ presents a new interactive show called „All about sex“.

The married couple Titus Steel and Jasmine la Rouge share their professional experiences as actors and also allow an insight into their private love life. They give tips and tricks about sexual pleasure.
There are erotic fantasies and sexual practices, which will never be put into action because people don´t know how to do it right or are afraid to talk about it with their partners. Exactly here Titus Steel and Jasmine la Rouge want to help the Saboom users, answer questions and wipe out insecurities.
With a friendly wink of an eye they present theoretically and practically various themes all about sexuality and obviously have a lot of fun doing it. They talk about topics like sex in the car, sexpositions, toys, deep throat, premature ejaculation and more.
With the show „All about sex“ Saboom offers his users the opportunity to inform themselves about various practices, maybe improve their sexlife and enjoy sparkling eroticism at the same time.
The users can decide, if they wanna see the theoratical or the practical explainations from a female or a male point of view. For those who need no „coaching“, the actors of course offer a lot of high quality x-scenes, which make the hearts of adult entertainment fans beat faster.
published on
10.May 2011 presents „Men´s Weekend“
On regular basis releaseses new shows. In the merry month of May Saboom presents an ideal men´s weekend, where everyone wants to be part of. „Men´s weekend“ makes male fantasies come true...

The Saboom Crew flew, with a team of several heads, to the Carpathian mountains in Romania to shoot there, what many men would like to experience during a weekend with the guys: a cool locations, a lot of hot girls, who are willing to do everything and a great party.
As usual the Saboom users are gaining direct influence on the process of this men´s weekend. The structure of this show makes it easy to slip into the roles and to enjoy what the users want to see. The countless decisions and the various ways to go make this interactive show so special and provide unforgettable moments and many erotic experiences.
Plot of „Men´s Weekend“:
The three key players David, Mugur and Lauro visit their friend Titus, who owns a little hotel. After the check-in the guys start their individual hot adventures at the fitness area, the billiard room, the sauna with the female hotel guests. The absolute highlight is the big party in the evening, which leaves nothing to be desired neither for the guys not the girls. Hot beats, a fun atmosphere and a lot of naked skin make this party night absolutely unforgettable.
published on
25.April 2011 invites to an interactive job interview
Hot secretaries, who are willing to do everything for their boss, are the classics in erotic male fantasies. invites in the new show „A.S.S. Company“ hot typists to an job interview with star cast.

Preferences and fetishes in erotic entertainment are as multifaceted as human nature. For that reason wants to offer his users a great variety of shows and themes. In the present case lovers of hot secretaries will be very pleased.
With the new show „A.S.S. Copmpany“ Saboom users can experience interactive, how wild it can be in an office, if you´ve hired the right secretaries or are just looking for a new one. The name A.S.S. (Awesome Secretary Services) in the title keeps definitely its promises.
Besides the popular „Secretary“-theme offers in the scope of this show a brandnew feature. User can choose between a story mode and a hardcore mode which make them able to decide if the wanna enjoy the whole interactive story or just come straight to the erotic point. could manage to win also one of the most popular german actors for this project. The part of the boss suits Conny Dach perfectly. With his charm and acting skills he leads through the story and invents with it special recruitment tests for female applicants.
published on
21.December 2010 presents the new show "Rent a Girl"
Right before Christmas "Saboom – interactive porn" presents a new show called "Rent a Girl". Besides pornstar David Perry young talents get the chance to show their talents.

Saboom Fans get a very special present just one week before Christmas "Saboom – interactive porn" presents a new show called "Rent a Girl".
The plot of this interactive show follows the userfeedback and considers the costumer wishes for a selection of different types of women. In customary Saboom style the user decides which girl should satisfy him. In this show there are five different girls available: a housemaid, a nurse, a fetish girl, a romantic dinner and a girl with big boobs. The user decides according to his preferences and designs the plot because of his decisions. wants to score because of its Interactivity, creativity und variety and that means to give also porn-newcomers a chance. In "Rent a Girl" the newcomers Abelia, Krystal Love and Rye show off there talents in front of the camera. Combined with a professional actor like David Perry it´s a very hot mix.
Plot of "Rent a Girl":
David receives a suprise package in this show. This little box which is delivered by mail contains a mysterious remote control. This remote is the immediate way to the world of Saboom. By pressing a button he can order five hot girls.
published on
07.December 2010 presents "Quickies" for quick pleasure
If it has to happen fast, offers now a new feature for erotic movie friends. With the so called "Quickies" Saboom considers user requests and preferences and presents interactive short shows.

Altough "Saboom – interactive porn" is still in Beta-Testing, more than 10.000 users were already able to assure themselves of this revolution in the erotic industry and play the interactive Saboom shows. Saboom stands for innovations in erotic entertainment and that´s why we never get tired to come up with new features for our users.
To offer the users more than for example an interactive tour at the erotic expo Venus or an interactive visit at a pornset and many more high quality shows, they can enjoy now short and interactive experiences. The newest feature of Saboom are the so called "Quickies".
Christoph Pass, CEO: "With this kind of interactive short show we want to satisfy these users, who don´t have the time to watch a show from beginning to end or those who just want to enjoy what they are looking for on the internet, according to their preferences. They can exactly find that now on Saboom but in an interactive way. Through a multitude of these "Quickies" the porn 2.0 experience goes into next round and offers the users, what the want."
published on
16.November 2010 presents the exklusive Venus-Tour
"Saboom – interactive porn" presents the erotic fair Venus in Berlin from a whole different perspective. Exclusive-actor and Venus Arward winner Titus Steel invites the user to a virtual tour and presents the new Venus-Show at

For the 14th time Europes biggest erotic fair the "Venus" took place in Berlin. Besides many exhibitors from all different fields, was first-time represented by Saboom-actor Titus Steel. From the depature from Vienna, to a citytour in Berlin, to the VIP-Parties and the visit of the fair with all the Liveshows on all 4 days, he takes the user on an interactive and erotic journey and presents the Venus before and behind the scenes. Even when Titus Steel received his Award for best actor, he had the camera with him on stage.
Jasmine la Rouge, also exclusively at Saboom, invites the users to a shopping tour and a following private performance with all the outfits and toys she bought.
The users can expect meet and greets with the stars and a lot of erotic games. As usual the user can decide how and what he wants to experience and enjoy the biggest erotic fair in Europe as if he would have been there himself.
Titus Steel: The "Venus-Show" offers the users a unique chance to visit this erotic fair. The camera was my permanent companion from dusk till dawn. Who couldn´t make it to the Venus this year or couldn´t be there all four days, gets a worthy replacement with this show."
oublished on
12.November 2010 is the most innovative Onlineproduct 2010
"Saboom – interactive porn" sweeps the board winning two awards at the biggest erotic fairs in Europe, at the Venus and the Erofame in Berlin. Saboom received the award for "Most innovative Onlineproduct" and "Special Movie Internet Innovation".

"Saboom – interactive porn" is a young project, but caused a considerable stir in the erotic industry already. The claim to revolutionize the adult entertainment industry and score points in the general crisis with interactive erotic entertainment, seems satisfied. At the big erotic fairs Venus and Erofame in Berlin, the Joyfactor Company and inventor Christoph Pass got honored with two tremendously important awards. Saboom received the WIBA Award 2010 for ""Most innovative Onlineproduct" and the Venus-Award for "Special Movie Internet Innovation".
Also the exclusive actors of Saboom were awarded, Titus Steel received the award for "Best actor" and Jasmine la Rouge for "Best German Actress".
Christoph Pass: "It´s always a honor to receive an award, but we are particularly proud of these two. It takes courage to come up with such an extensive and new product on the internet these days and it paid off. These awards are a big sign for me and my staff, that we are on the right track and also serve as an incentive for the future."
published on
19.October 2010
„Saboom“ – Porn 2.0 puts an end to boring adult movies
"Saboom – interactive porn" is the new erotic revolution and ushers a new era of porn 2.0 in the crisis-ridden adult entertainment industry.
The porn industry is desperately struggling for survival and this is not least due to the many illegal Filesharing Providers, 1 Click Hosting Services and the countless Erotic Tube Websites. To fight this downtrend, spectacular innovations are needed. That´s why the erotic brand entertainment provider Joyfactor presents "Saboom - interactiv porn" and rises in times of crisis like the phoenix from the ashes. !
Saboom is interacive and enables its users a brand new erotic experience. At last users have the chance to enjoy their personal erotic experiences with just a few clicks, they can make decisions und fulfill their erotic fantasies. Saboom presents special shows, which represent the framework for the new erotic experiences. Passive Entertainment is once and for all done, because the user becomes an active creator of his own interactive Saboom Erotic Videos Shows.
At Saboom the users come first. The users can not only enjoy special Saboom shows, but also a great community, in which they can exchange their experiences. The users can post their ideas for future shows at any time and have an strong impact on Saboom and their own experiences by that.
Christoph Pass, CEO and innovator of Saboom: "We want to realize our customers dreams and present them a active experience. After more than 12 years of classic Adult Video Entertainment with content which is made of the visions of a few producers, we are very proud to lift the experiences of our users with this interacive shows of saboom to a whole new level.